Small Business Survival in 2023: Top Cyber Threats to Watch

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

The future is uncertain, but one thing is for sure: small businesses will face these top 10 cybersecurity threats in 2023. Learn how to protect yourself.

Small businesses can face all sorts of unexpected challenges, but often it is the same few threats that regularly bring companies to their knees. Cybercriminals are crafting new and more efficient ways to steal data, deploy malware and cripple computer systems from thousands of miles away. 

As a small business owner, you have a lot on your plate and cybersecurity might not be at the top of your priority list. But trust us, this needs your attention. That's why we crafted the top 10 cybersecurity threats that your small businesses should be aware of in 2023, and most importantly, what you can do to protect your business.

Types of Cybercrimes Targeting Small Businesses


Ransomware is a type of malicious software, or malware, that cybercriminals use to take control of your computer or digital files. Once they've locked your files or system, they demand a ransom, usually in the form of digital currency like Bitcoin, in exchange for releasing your data.

Think of ransomware like a digital kidnapper. It holds your computer or files hostage and won't release them until you pay the ransom. This can be especially harmful for businesses or individuals who have important data on their computers, like personal photos or sensitive work documents.

To protect yourself from ransomware, it's crucial to maintain regular backups of your data, keep your software updated, and avoid clicking on suspicious links or opening unknown email attachments. If you ever fall victim to ransomware, it's generally advised not to pay the ransom, as there's no guarantee that the cybercriminals will actually unlock your files, and paying them may encourage further attacks.

Phishing Scams

These scams are still going strong. Phishing scams are deceptive tactics used by cybercriminals to trick people into giving away their sensitive information or clicking on harmful links. The scammers pretend to be from a trustworthy source, like a bank or a popular company, to make their victims believe they're dealing with a legitimate request.

Imagine receiving an email, text message, or a phone call that looks or sounds official, but it's actually from a scammer. They might ask you to "verify" your account details, like your password, credit card number, or other personal information. Once you provide this information, the scammer can use it for fraudulent activities, such as stealing your money or identity.

To protect yourself from phishing scams, always double-check the source of any request for sensitive information. Look for signs that the message might be fake, like spelling mistakes or unusual sender addresses. Don't click on suspicious links or download unexpected attachments, and when in doubt, contact the company or organization directly to verify the request.

Social Engineering

Social engineering is a technique used by cybercriminals to trick people into revealing sensitive information or performing actions that benefit the attacker. Instead of using complex technology or hacking tools, social engineers manipulate people's trust and emotions by pretending to be someone they're not or creating a sense of urgency.

Think of social engineering as a con artist or scammer who uses psychological tricks and deception to get what they want. They might pose as a trusted friend, a bank representative, or a tech support specialist to gain your trust, and then ask for your personal information, like passwords or credit card numbers.

Cloud Security

Cloud Security attacks are cyberattacks that target cloud-based services and infrastructure, such as online storage, computing platforms, and software applications. As more organizations rely on the cloud to store data and run their operations, cybercriminals are increasingly focusing on exploiting vulnerabilities in cloud systems.

Imagine a neighborhood with numerous houses (representing cloud services), where people store their valuable belongings (data). Thieves (hackers) are attracted to this neighborhood because of the potential to steal from multiple houses. They look for weak spots in the security systems, like unlocked doors or open windows, to gain access and steal valuable items.

In the digital world, cloud security attacks can take various forms, such as unauthorized access to data, data breaches, malware infections, or hijacking of cloud accounts. Hackers exploit weak security configurations, unpatched software, and human errors to break into cloud systems.

To protect against cloud security attacks, organizations should follow best practices, like encrypting data, using strong authentication methods, and regularly monitoring access logs. Additionally, businesses should work closely with their cloud service providers to ensure proper security measures are in place and educate employees about potential risks and safe cloud usage.

IoT Security

IoT Security attacks are cyberattacks that target Internet of Things (IoT) devices, which are everyday objects connected to the internet, such as smart home appliances, wearables, and security cameras. These devices collect and share data, making our lives more convenient, but also creating potential security risks if not properly secured.

Imagine a city filled with interconnected devices, like traffic lights, public transportation, and surveillance cameras (all representing IoT devices). Now, picture a cybercriminal tapping into that network, taking control of the devices, and causing chaos. In the digital world, this is what happens in IoT Security attacks.

Hackers exploit vulnerabilities in IoT devices, such as weak passwords, lack of encryption, or outdated software, to gain unauthorized access, steal data, or manipulate the devices for malicious purposes. For example, they might take control of a smart thermostat, causing it to malfunction, or use a compromised security camera to spy on people.

To protect against IoT Security attacks, manufacturers should prioritize security when developing IoT devices, and users should follow best practices, like changing default passwords, regularly updating software, and disabling unnecessary features. Additionally, organizations and individuals should be aware of the risks associated with IoT devices and take steps to minimize their exposure to potential attacks.

Supply Chain Attacks

Supply chain attacks are cyberattacks that target a vulnerable link within a system or network, usually by infiltrating a trusted third-party provider. Instead of directly attacking the main target, cybercriminals exploit weaknesses in the connected partners, suppliers, or software components to gain access to the primary organization's data or resources.

Imagine a chain where each link represents a different company or service provider within a network. Now, picture a cybercriminal finding the weakest link and using it as a backdoor to access all the connected links. This is essentially what happens in a supply chain attack.

These attacks are particularly dangerous because they can go unnoticed for long periods, allowing the attackers to gather valuable information or cause significant damage. To protect against supply chain attacks, organizations should closely monitor and vet their third-party partners, implement strong security measures, and have a plan in place to respond to potential breaches.


Cryptojacking is a sneaky cyberattack in which hackers secretly use your computer's processing power to mine cryptocurrency without your knowledge or consent. Cryptocurrency mining requires a lot of computing resources, so these cybercriminals take advantage of other people's devices to avoid the costs and effort associated with it.

Imagine you have a car with a powerful engine that uses a lot of fuel. Now, picture a thief siphoning off your car's fuel while you're not looking and using it to power their own car. In the digital world, this is what happens in cryptojacking. The "fuel" is your computer's processing power, which is stolen to mine cryptocurrencies for the hackers.

The signs of cryptojacking may include your device running slower than usual, overheating, or having decreased battery life. To protect yourself, keep your software and security systems updated, don't click on suspicious links or download unknown files, and consider using browser extensions that block cryptojacking scripts.

Business Email Compromise (BEC)

Business Email Compromise (BEC) is a type of cyberattack where criminals trick employees or executives within a company into transferring money or sharing sensitive information by impersonating a high-ranking official or trusted partner. The scammers use clever tactics like email spoofing or hacking into email accounts to make their requests seem legitimate, often resulting in significant financial losses for the targeted organization.

Imagine you receive an email that appears to be from your CEO. The email urgently requests that you wire a large sum of money to a specific account, claiming it's for a confidential business deal. Trusting the email's authenticity, you follow the instructions, only to find out later that it was a scam and the money was sent to the criminals.

To prevent Business Email Compromise, you should educate employees about the risks, establish clear communication protocols, and implement strong security measures like two-factor authentication and email filtering systems. Additionally, always verify unusual or high-stakes requests through alternative communication channels before taking any action.

Advanced Persistent Threats (APT)

Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) are sophisticated, long-term cyberattacks carried out by highly skilled hackers or teams, often backed by governments or large criminal organizations. Their goal is to infiltrate a targeted network, remain undetected, and steal valuable information or cause damage over an extended period.

Imagine a skilled thief who silently breaks into a museum, hiding in the shadows and observing the staff's routines. Over time, the thief understands the security measures, bypasses them, and steals precious artifacts without getting caught. In the digital world, this is similar to what happens with Advanced Persistent Threats.

APTs are stealthy and patient, using multiple techniques like social engineering, phishing, and malware to gain access to a target's network. Once inside, they carefully explore and gather information, all while remaining unnoticed. They can cause significant damage, stealing sensitive data, spying on communications, or disrupting operations.

To safeguard against APTs, organizations should implement robust security measures, such as multi-factor authentication, network segmentation, and regular security audits. Additionally, educating employees about potential risks and maintaining up-to-date software and systems can help prevent these stealthy attacks.

It's important to stay aware of these threats and take steps to protect your business. This includes implementing strong security policies and procedures, keeping your team educated and up-to-date, and investing in a cybersecurity service.

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