The Cyber Risks of Cyber Monday: A Double-Edged Sword for Shoppers and Businesses

Monday, November 27, 2023

Cyber Monday, the annual online shopping extravaganza, presents a dual narrative. For consumers, it's a day of unbeatable deals, while for small businesses, it signals a significant surge in sales. However, lurking beneath this excitement is a shared threat for both parties: heightened cybersecurity risks. This blog post offers insights and guidelines to navigate Cyber Monday's digital landscape safely.

Part 1: The Hidden Dangers for Online Shoppers

Cyber Monday is not just about great deals; it's also a prime time for cybercriminals to prey on unsuspecting shoppers. With millions online, the risk of falling victim to scams and frauds increases substantially. Approximately 36 million Americans have experienced varying degrees of online scams, indicating the widespread nature of these threats.

The Cyber Monday surge in digital activity also signals a feast for cybercriminals specializing in phishing scams. As shoppers and businesses alike flock online, it’s crucial to stay vigilant against these deceptive tactics.

Understanding Phishing Scams

Phishing scams are fraudulent attempts to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details by disguising as trustworthy entities in electronic communications. During Cyber Monday, these scams intensify, exploiting the high volume of emails and online transactions.

Common Types of Phishing Scams on Cyber Monday

  • Fake Online Stores: Scammers create websites mimicking legitimate stores, offering incredible deals to lure unsuspecting shoppers.

  • Email Spoofs: Emails appearing to be from legitimate sources, like popular retailers or payment platforms, asking for personal information or directing recipients to fake websites.

  • Social Media Scams: Posts or ads on social media platforms directing users to fraudulent websites or asking for personal details to access special deals.

  • Delivery Scams: Emails or messages posing as delivery notifications, which can include malicious links or request personal details for package tracking.

How to Recognize Phishing Scams

  • Suspicious Email Addresses and URLs: Check for slight misspellings or odd domain names in email addresses and website URLs.

  • Too-Good-To-Be-True Offers: Be wary of deals that seem unrealistic or significantly better than what’s available elsewhere.

  • Urgency and Pressure Tactics: Scams often create a sense of urgency, pressuring you to act quickly.

  • Requests for Sensitive Information: Legitimate companies rarely ask for personal information via email

Staying Safe: Best Practices

  • Verify Before Clicking: Hover over links to see the actual URL before clicking. If in doubt, visit the retailer’s site directly by typing the URL into your browser.

  • Use Secure Networks and Trusted Sites: Ensure a secure connection and verify the SSL encryption of shopping sites. Public Wi-Fi can be a hotbed for cybercriminals.

  • Strong, Unique Passwords: Employ robust, unique passwords for each account, and consider a password manager for secure storage.

  • Use Secure Payment Methods: Opt for disposable credit cards or trusted payment services like PayPal to minimize risks. Avoid direct money transfers or inputting card details on unfamiliar sites.

Part 2: The Business Perspective – Preparing for Cyber Threats

Small businesses, while looking forward to the boost in sales, must brace for an uptick in cyber attacks. Reports suggest a 30% increase in attacks on small businesses during Cyber Monday. The reasons are clear: smaller enterprises often have less robust cybersecurity measures, making them attractive targets.

Key Cybersecurity Concerns for Small Businesses

  • Website Vulnerabilities: Increased traffic can expose or exacerbate existing security weaknesses in your website.

  • Data Breach Risks: Handling more customer data increases the risk of data breaches.

  • Phishing and Scam Attempts: Employees may be more susceptible to phishing attacks amidst the high-pressure environment of a busy sales day.

Strategies for Enhanced Cybersecurity

  • Strengthen Website Security

    • Update and patch your website's software and plugins.

    • Utilize web application firewalls (WAFs) to protect against common attacks like SQL injection and cross-site scripting.

    • Conduct regular vulnerability assessments.

  • Secure Customer Data

    • Encrypt sensitive customer data both in transit and at rest.

    • Implement strict access controls and role-based permissions for employees handling customer data.

  • Employee Vigilance and Training

    • Train staff to recognize and respond to phishing attempts and suspicious activities.

    • Regularly update employees on new cybersecurity protocols and potential threats.

  • Backup and Recovery Plan

    • Regularly backup critical data to facilitate quick recovery in case of a cyber incident.

    • Have a well-documented and practiced incident response plan.

  • Monitor and Respond

    • Utilize monitoring tools to keep an eye on network traffic and unusual activities.

    • Have a response team or protocol in place to quickly address any security incidents.

Part 3: Utilizing Professional Cybersecurity Support

For many small businesses, managing cybersecurity in-house can be challenging. Partnering with cybersecurity firms can provide additional layers of security and expertise, especially during peak traffic periods.

Lockwell offers a comprehensive suite of cybersecurity tools, particularly beneficial for small businesses during high-risk periods like Cyber Monday. Features like real-time threat monitoring, secure access management, and automated alert systems are crucial for maintaining a secure digital environment.


While Cyber Monday presents an exciting opportunity for both shoppers and businesses, it also demands heightened cybersecurity awareness. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, so do the tactics of cybercriminals. This Cyber Monday, let's not just chase the best deals but also safeguard our digital footprints. Whether you're a small business owner or an individual consumer, applying these cybersecurity tips is crucial to navigate this high-stakes shopping season safely. Stay alert, stay secure, and make your Cyber Monday not just profitable but also protected.